
in 2009 with the loss of so many friends and mum,i decided that time had come to realise a dream,cycling end to end,but at near on 20 stone everyone thought i was crazy,a visit to the doctors had welcomed results with the advise not to diet ,take the training steady and eat a sensible heathy diet,and get regular checks with them from time to time,

out on the bike it was murder on my rear too much weight pressing down on such a small area,

the answer A RECUMBENT TRIKE ! and boy was it welcome.because i want to enjoy it 50 mile a day has been planned(20ish days)i have decided the only way i could afford it was to cycle camp,rough and ready but cheap

due to the length of the trip it will also be solo and un assisted,told you i was crazy

Monday 16 May 2011

Raining again, but heading south.

Monday morning,just a brief note will do a full report when home,last night we chickened out.b&b a lovely little place www.altnaharra.net very welcoming,usually offering evening meals but in chaos when we arrived doing running maintenance due to the awful weather they had over the winter.so across to the hotel for a bar meal couple of Guinness the shower and bed.slept like a log.but woke up this morning legs as stiff as hell, breakfast's here so I'm off, next stop should be down near Dingwall. Bye for now.

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